Monday, August 2, 2010

Go West Young Man

Movies. Features. Shows. Film. Cinema. Talkies. Every age group and class of snobbery has a different name for them, but they all boil down to the same thing. And I love them. It was a natural then that when my brother and partner in crime Joe suggested that we get creative about the way we piss away the hours talking about movies by blogging about them instead, that I leapt at the chance.

This blog is a way for Joe and I to virtually watch and discuss movies together even though we live 1500 miles away from each other, and in turn, for us to share our thoughts about these movies with everyone else on the Interwebs and invite them to join us with their thoughts.

My personal goal for this blog is not to review movies in the traditional way with stars, thumbs, or any other standard measuring device used by critics. Instead, I'm watching and studying movies to figure out what makes them work or not work.

I enjoy watching older movies, both films that have stayed with me for my entire life, and movies that I remember loving from my youth Some of the fun of that is in seeing whether or not a movie holds against the test of time or not. Even if I find that a movie I used to love is actually a complete turd by my standards today, I enjoy picking it apart to figure out why I used to like it, and why I don't like it now.

In addition to movies, I'm also a big fan of music, animation, and comics(yeah I'm one of those guys), so on occasion, I'll be dropping in quick reviews and recommendations of some other things I'm reading/watching/listening to at the moment and sharing my thoughts about why and how it caught my attention.

Please be a part of our community of movie lovers and check in on us every week for something new that Joe and I are picking apart and join in the conversation. We're kicking it off this month by watching the great American genre of Westerns. Join us for the show.

Phil Rood

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